Grilling Like a Pro on Meatless Monday

Sep 2014

With farmers market’s overflowing with vegetables this time of year, I thought this info graphic from Robin Medlin Lindars will have your vegetables taking center stage, grilling like a pro on Meatless Monday.

eggplant meatless monday

I’m a big fan of gilled eggplant and peppers, but there are so many different choices.

Source: Used with permission.
What’s your favorite type of vegetable to grill?


  1. Those eggplants (or aubergines as we call them on this side of the Atlantic) look so fresh and delicious!

    Interesting infographic… I’d never thought to grill leeks or artichoke before. Will maybe have to give that a try some time…

  2. There’s quite a few here that I’ve never thought to grill before and I’m keen to try some of them out. The aubergines and courgettes (eggplants and zucchini) in particular sound good. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. noel says:

    What a very colorful and simple infographic to follow, great job. I love it!

  4. What a timely and tempting post. Just heard that September is eggplant month because they are most tasty and plentiful now.

  5. What a cool and useful post, Alison! I will pin, bookmark and share it for sure!

  6. Love that infographic! I am not the best when it comes to working in the kitchen but this post will certainly provide some inspiration to at least start trying my hand at some recipes (I am sure Heather will be delighted!).

    Thanks for sharing this, looks awesome!

  7. liz says:

    This makes grilling easy…thanks for the tip