Baby Boomer Adventures on YouTube

Oct 2017

Did you know I now have a video channel? It in the early stages, but you can find me sharing Baby Boomer Adventures on YouTube as Alison Abbott.  I’d love for you to take a peek and let me know your thoughts. Learning the ins and outs for this baby boomer filled with wanderlust is always a challenge, but one that I love. Video is another outlet for my creativity.  Sharing travel experiences in as many ways as possible allows me to give you a deeper look into a destination.

Baby Boomer Adventures on YouTube as Alison Abbott

All of the films are under two minutes, giving a short overview of experiences. In addition, the first group all center around cruises. I guess I was on the water quite a bit in the last year.

Culinary tourism has exploded in recent years and there is no denying the connection between the pleasure of eating and learning about a country’s customs or connecting over a meal. I like to scratch beneath the surface of a culture by visiting markets, tasting what’s grown in the region and breaking bread, or in this case dumplings, with a local resident. The Muslim Market in Xi’an took me way beyond the Terra Cotta Warriors when I traveled to China in this video on a Viking River Cruise. See it here: Tasting China on a Viking River Cruise  or click on the screen above.

Then there was a wonderful trip this summer in Rockland Maine. Have you ever been on a windjammer? If you want to unplug and recharge while cruising along the gorgeous Maine coast, this is a trip for you! The entire experience was awesome, especially the food. Be on the lookout for another video piece coming about the amazing meals Chef Annie could create in her postage stamp kitchen on a wood burning stove on the WOODEN sailboat J&E Riggin. 

Finally, I had the lovely opportunity to sail on a romantic cruise along the Rhine River with my husband as we started down the road to our 40th, yes 4oth wedding anniversary. We are planning to experience forty new adventures this year and are well on our way. We’ll finish off the first 20 this January in Hawaii, so make sure to stay tuned.

Subscribe to my channel here . This will ensure you don’t miss a minute of my Baby Boomer Adventures on You Tube as I travel and explore in sustainable shades of green luxury. I promise you’ll enjoy the quick rides! My first 100 subscribers are the most important-and you can help me get there!

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Youtube channel alison abbott greenwithrenvy

  1. Good going! I’ve been doing short videos for some time and it’s a game changer. Love YouTube but posting in other social media has been a huge plus – only natively, not as YouTube links. I hope you keep going. I love the Boomer company!

    • alison says:

      Thanks for your support Elaine. I am loving the videos you are posting of Jordan and appreciate the encouragement. Now that I have the basics down, I feel like I can have some fun.

  2. Patti Morrow says:

    Glad to see you’re on YouTube! You’ve got some interesting videos already and I’ll be looking for more to come! 😉

  3. Sue Reddel says:

    Nice job on the videos Alison. We’ll start following along on You Tube.

  4. Great to see these new posts and video efforts. I’ve been contributing to radio and podcasts, but not yet taking on hosting audio on an ongoing basis, yet. It’s great fun expanding and learning. Congrats. I’ll tune in.

  5. Alberto Wharton says:

    Nice effect on your video. There most impotent matter is your video managing. I really enjoy your video. I am week in English so i can not more writing about your topics but you and your video give me so fun.